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ARRIFLEX 435 Xtreme 35mm
发布者:admin  浏览量:11534次  发布时间:2012/8/24 19:03:25   【字体:

ARRIFLEX 435 Xtreme 35mm摄影机

ARRI camera systems include a complete range of 16, 35 and 65 mm format cameras, lenses and accessories, as well as the ARRIFLEX D-21 film style digital camera. For 90 years these tools have evolved constantly to meet the exacting demands of leading filmmakers. ARRI equipment has proven itself time and again both on set and in the most extreme climatic conditions: from the frozen arctic and the scorching desert to the depths of the ocean and even to outer space.

版权所有:南昌天资影视传媒有限公司    招贤纳士
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